Low Tg Glass
Low Tg Glass
Optical glass is used in various optical devices such as digital single lens reflex cameras, projectors, television cameras, automotive cameras, security cameras and medical devices. At OHARA, we meet all optical design needs with a line-up of over 140 types of optical glasses with the characteristics that enable optical devices to attain higher performances, miniaturization and cost reduction.
The cutting-edge glass materials of the highest quality that OHARA provides support people around the world in their smiles and sense of wonder.
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Ohara Corporation Western Office
23141 Arroyo Vista, Suite 200
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
TEL: (949) 858-5700
FAX: (949) 585-5455
Ohara Corporation Eastern Office
50 Columbia Road, Branchburg
New Jersey 08876-3519
TEL: (908) 218-0100
FAX: (908) 218-1685